Frequently Asked Questions

How does this program work?

By teaching you what foods and beverages to eat at the right time of day and in the right portions we can effectively teach you how to not only lose weight but more importantly how to keep it off long term.

Do I need to eat and drink meal replacements on this program?

No, we want you to learn how to eat by cooking and eating your own foods.

How much is the program?

Depending on the amount of weight, health issues, and time frame you need the cost could vary. Since we avoid expensive pre-packaged foods and meal replacements, we can keep costs down and help you lose weight and save money. Call or schedule online for a free no obligation consultation to learn more.

Do I need to come into the clinic for my appointments?

Only if you choose too, we can do follow-up visits online, on the phone, or in person. It is all up to you!

How much can I expect to lose on Superior Weight Loss?

Most of our patients have been able to lose at least 25 pounds and up in just over a month. More importantly, our maintenance system has been effective in helping people keep the weight off long term.

What is the first step?

Call 715-392-2476 or go online to schedule a free consultation, where we will go over your weight loss goals and expected time frame.